Eddie Brocklesby of Silverfit runs The Vitality Big Half





A group of runners at the Big Half

We Run As One

A campaign that shines a light on the incredibly diverse running communities that take part in The Big Half each year. 

How do you support each other?
As well as the sessions we have regular newsletters to all our members and Whatsapp groups for each venue where our members can ask questions and share experiences and we can update them on general news. And we have an incredible team – paid and volunteers – who are at every session sharing their knowledge and support.

What would you say to someone who might think they are too old to join a group exercise session with Silverfit?
You are never too old! I didn’t start running until I was in my fifties and learned to swim in my late-fifties so I could do my first triathlon. We have sessions for all levels of ability. If I were to pick our most popular sessions, they would be Nordic walking, silver cheerleading and Pilates. Walking football would be next as it attracts an energetic bunch of football lovers!

We are also in a phased reopening of our sessions in alignment with health guidelines. So currently our outdoor sessions are happening, and we will restart our indoor sessions once it is safe to do so.

Why do you think people should get involved in The Big Half?
The atmosphere is always such a fun one! There is no pressure from a serious competition, which is really nice, and the marshals are so encouraging along the way, even to those, like me, bringing up the rear. I have done The Big Half three times now and loved it every time. Most of our members walk or Nordic walk the route, so as long as you think you can do it in under four hours, come and join us!

Why is it important for you to be part of this event and ‘run as one’ with others?
This is an important community event and Silverfit is part of the London community, especially in the four boroughs it passes through. We also want to continually remind people that age is just a number. We have members in their seventies-plus who absolutely love this event. The opportunity to meet people from all walks of life is perhaps one of the best things about The Big Half and wearing a Silverfit T-shirt helps you feel part of the team, promoting the Silverfit message.

How can people get involved with Silverfit?
You can get involved several ways, including running or walking for Silverfit in The Big Half on Sunday 22 August.

If you can’t take part this year, you can donate any amount of money through our Just Giving page to help us keep our sessions going.

Finally, if you want to become a member of Silverfit yourself and join our weekly sessions visit our website or email info@silverfit.org.uk