


Black Girls Do Run UK

"Community makes life so fulfilling"

Tasha Thompson, founder of Black Girls Do Run UK, tells us why The Big Half is a key milestone in the group’s event calendar – and why she’s looking forward to running it as a relay this year.

Why are you running The Big Half this year?

It’s a spectacular, one-of-a-kind event. Great effort is made to make it an event for everyone and it works really well. I first ran the half marathon in 2020 and loved it, and it’s now an annual event for me. This year I’m running the New Balance Big Relay and next year I plan to volunteer.

What makes this event extra special for me is it squashes the idea that ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’. The diversity is great and the number of community groups doing amazing things through running is heartwarming.

It is also a BIG event for Black Girls Do Run UK, as this is the event where we have the largest number of women running – it makes the preparation and the day itself so incredibly exciting.

What does community mean to you?

Community to me is a group of people bound together by interests, identity, experiences and culture with a huge sense of belonging. 

It’s important in my life as the communities I’ve attached myself to are the family I have chosen. They bring me so much joy and are supportive through the ups and downs of life. We’re bonded by attitudes, values and goals and it makes life so fulfilling.

Do you feel part of the wider running community?

YES – and I love being part of it. It is one of the best communities to be part of.

Why should people take up running?

It has so many benefits for you mind and body and massively improves your overall health and self-esteem. Even a once-weekly run can bring you the positive effects and you can always build the habit slowly.

Why do you think people should get involved in The Big Half?

The Big Half’s mission is to increase diversity and empower all runners. Get involved to be part of the change and to inspire others on their journeys to healthier lives.

Tell us what you like about the We Run As One campaign

We Run As One encourages respect, irrespective of the type of runner – first-timers, those who have run many events, fast runners, slow runners, those who are aiming for a PB or those simply wanting to cross the Finish Line. Running as one is a reminder of the common goal.

What are you most looking forward to about this year’s The Big Half?

Seeing the 19 Black Girls Do Run UK women and two New Balance Big Relay teams take part. I’m really excited to take part in the relay and receiving a medal. I haven’t run a relay since my school days and I think it is absolutely amazing that the distance can be split between four people, making it even more appealing.